

「研究者たちは、どのようにして未知の世界への扉を開いているのでしょうか?」そんな疑問を胸に、2025年1月13日、千葉大学STELLAプログラムASCENT-6Eの一部の受講生が、千葉大学教育学部の野村先生、辻先生、ASCENT-6Eコーディネーターの王先生、森重先生の引率のもと、埼玉県和光市にある理化学研究所 和光キャンパスを訪問しました。

今回の訪問では、理化学研究所 数理創造プログラム(iTHEMS)に所属する数学、物理学、生物学など多様な分野の研究者の先生方が、自身が研究者を志したきっかけや経験を共有し、親しみやすくわかりやすいアプローチで研究内容を紹介しました。宇宙の謎、がん細胞の迅速な特定方法、体内時計としての睡眠リズム、生物の分類法など、普段の生活ではなかなか触れることのできないテーマが次々と取り上げられ、学生たちは目を輝かせながら熱心に耳を傾けていました。


また、iTHEMSプログラムディレクターの初田哲男先生、副プログラムディレクターのカトゥリン・ボシゥメン先生、多田司先生が、理研プログラム(JRA、IPA、SPDR、RS/SRS など)について説明し、中高生が参加できる貴重な学びの機会についても紹介しました。







━ ✦ ━ 異分野融合の魅力 ━ ✦ ━




━ ✦ ━ 国際交流の体験 ━ ✦ ━




━ ✦ ━ 未来への展望 ━ ✦ ━









ASCENT-6E Visit to RIKEN Wako Campus

What drives researchers to unlock the mysteries of the unknown? Seeking answers to this question, a group of students from Chiba University’s STELLA Program ASCENT-6E visited the RIKEN Wako Campus in Saitama Prefecture on January 13, 2025. They were accompanied by Prof. Nomura and Prof. Tsuji from the Faculty of Education at Chiba University, along with ASCENT-6E coordinators Ms. Wang and Ms. Morishige.

During the visit, researchers from RIKEN’s Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS), specializing in fields such as mathematics, physics, and biology, shared their personal journeys into research and offered engaging, accessible presentations about their work. Topics ranged from the mysteries of the universe and rapid detection methods for cancer cells to the biological clock governing sleep rhythms and innovative approaches to classifying living organisms. These captivating subjects sparked the students’ curiosity, as they listened intently with eager, inspired expressions.

In addition, Dr. Tetsuo Hatsuda, Program Director of iTHEMS, along with Deputy Program Directors Dr. Catherine Beauchemin and Dr. Tsukasa Tada, provided an overview of RIKEN’s various educational programs, including JRA, IPA, SPDR, and RS/SRS. They also introduced valuable learning opportunities specifically designed for middle and high school students, inspiring many to consider future participation in such programs.

During lunch and interactive sessions, students had the rare opportunity to engage directly with researchers in a relaxed and open environment, deepening their understanding of scientific inquiry.

After the visit, many students shared enthusiastic feedback, reflecting on their inspiring experiences.

The Appeal of Interdisciplinary Collaboration
RIKEN’s unique interdisciplinary research approach left a lasting impression on the students, sparking new insights and inspiration:

  • “At RIKEN, I learned that researchers from diverse fields such as physics, biology, and mathematics come together to discuss and collaborate. I was amazed by how they work collectively, even when their areas of expertise differ. It was especially fascinating to see people conducting research that combines multiple disciplines, creating new perspectives.”

  • “I realized the potential of interdisciplinary cooperation in addressing societal challenges and discovering new possibilities. The iTHEMS team engaged in friendly and productive discussions, fostering an environment that encourages flexible thinking.”

Experiencing International Exchange
Interacting with international researchers in English was another valuable part of the visit:

  • “I was surprised to attend research presentations in English. I realized that becoming a researcher requires strong English skills to exchange ideas and read numerous reports. I am motivated to improve my reading, speaking, and listening abilities.”

  • “Although slightly unrelated to the research topics, I had a great time discussing our countries’ cultures, learning experiences, and research with researchers who came to Japan from abroad. We communicated in both Japanese and English, making the exchange even more enjoyable.”

Looking Toward the Future
This experience provided important guidance for students considering their future career paths and strengthened their motivation to pursue research:

  • “I have a dream of becoming a researcher, and meeting people working at RIKEN gave me a clearer image of what conducting research might look like in the future.”

  • “Seeing the passion that RIKEN researchers have for their work inspired me. My desire to become a researcher has grown even stronger.”

  • “The research conducted by iTHEMS members was all fascinating. I admired their dedication to exploring both familiar and abstract topics. This visit made me look forward to conducting my own research at university someday.”

  • “This visit made me realize how wonderful the work of researchers can be. As someone aspiring to become a researcher, this experience has given me strong encouragement to pursue my dreams.”

The visit to RIKEN provided students with a rare opportunity to witness the frontlines of scientific exploration. It ignited their curiosity, deepened their appreciation for interdisciplinary collaboration, and broadened their global perspectives. Through this enriching experience, students gained new goals and inspiration for their future academic and personal journeys. ASCENT-6E will continue to offer such valuable learning opportunities to support the growth of aspiring young scientists.